To elaborate: The sniper can kill you with one shot, no matter where you are (unless you're behind cover) or where it hits you, whose bullet seems to fly just slightly less than the speed of light as it hits you as soon as you see the muzzle flash, making your own chances of aiming near impossible, whereas he can absorb THREE FULL SHOTS ANYWHERE ON HIS BODY (Which Reznov claims "you just grazed him" - even if you clearly landed a direct hit on him - or "you only wounded him" - even if you clearly put a bullet in his head!) and remain not only alive, but able to shoot with the same inhuman speed and precision. That One Boss: The goddamn sniper duel in the mission "Vendetta," especially on Veteran difficulty.Harsher in Hindsight: When rescuing Dimitri from German soldiers, Reznov says "Haha! Once again, you cheat death!" Yeah.Good Bad Bug: Early versions of the game had Flak Jacket's damage reduction against explosives also apply to knife attacks, such that these attacks are not a guaranteed One-Hit Kill on a Flak Jacket user unless they've taken sufficient damage beforehand.Genius Bonus: The Dies Irae from Mozart's Requiem plays for a bit during the Soviet invasion of Berlin in "World at War".On the PC version, this is a subversion, thanks in part to heavy nerfs in subsequent patches.There are other Tier 3 perks players can use if Steady Aim isn't wanted. The most common class setup for the MP40 online is Dual Magazines for more firing without having to reload, Juggernaut to be able to withstand more gunfire and explosives, and Steady Aim to already compliment the already great hip fire and you become a walking one-man army capable of slaughtering dozens in close-quarters combat. Due to being unlocked early in multiplayer, the MP40 has extreme class construction versatility.

Game-Breaker: The MP40 SMG, especially on the console versions where the weapon has superior damage figures.Banzai Chargers are this as well, as they can kill players in one hit should they be caught off-guard.Japanese soldiers armed with Type-99 Light Machine Guns, especially on Veteran, where they can rip players apart in one burst.